Threenager Behaviour: Happy Birthday, Hudson!

Time is, by far, the strangest concept for me. On one hand, I feel like it was just yesterday that Hudson lived inside of me, sending shock waves of kicks and hiccups in my abdomen. On the other hand, I feel like I have known him my eyntire life. In fact, I tell many people close to me that I pity the pre-Hudson person I once was. What motivated me? What inspired me? What did I do with all of my time? How empty my heart must have been. I had no idea how much room I had in it to welcome such a being. He truly is my life and soul.

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Recent Faves

Recent Faves

With the holidays near, I thought I'd let you all know some of my recent favourite must-haves. If you're looking for something unique for people on your holiday shopping list, here are some of my ideas. If all else fails (and you're anything like me), you'll be sure to find something for yourself! All items are from small shops, made with love.

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Today Was a Hard Day

Today Was a Hard Day

 "Bye-bye Mommy's house. See you in a few days!" Mommy, member when you used to live at daddy's house?"

Those were the words I heard as we rushed out the door today on our way to daycare and work. Mondays are my day to drop Hudson off, and then I won't see him again until picking him up late Thursday afternoon.

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Separate Lives, but Not Separate Goals

Separate Lives, but Not Separate Goals

It has taken me a while to get to a place of comfort to be able to share this piece of my life with others. I finally feel ready to open up about the adversities that I have faced this past year, and I welcome nothing but positive vibes from posting these feelings and emotions.

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Emotional Attachment to Your Little Ones' Clothing

Emotional Attachment to Your Little Ones' Clothing

Your kids, they grow SO fast. I honestly didn't believe how fast this occurs until I had my own son and realized that they literally grow up right before your eyes. As sad as this is alone, we then have to deal with the clothing that they outgrow. This part is SO difficult for me. I despise clutter, so I am always throwing things out, cleaning and creating space, however when it comes to doing this with Hudson's clothing and belongings,  I get really, really emotional. I began to think about why this is happens to me (and I hope I'm not alone)...

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