Personalized Labels for Back to School


Today I made use of my alone time by beginning to prep for (gulp) back-to-school.


As Hudson enters his last year of pre-school (where does the time go?), I really wanted to focus on efficiently labelling his items. Like all schools and daycares, there are many children, and it can be extremely difficult for staff to keep track of students' belongings. What better way to stay on top of this than to invest in a label kit from Bright Star Kids?


Hudson and I sat down to choose the colour and icon (he obviously went with Batman, his latest obsession). I was happy to sway him into choosing black and white (my always obsession)! 


Anyone who knows me knows that I love to stay organized, so I've actually been enjoying labelling his items before he's off to school again. I know, I know, I'm weird. 


Order your own personalized kit and use code 25NAME to receive 25% off your Bright Star Kids orders until August 31! 



You're welcome! 

Sass xo