July 8, 2020: induction date! When we got to the hospital at 830am for induction, the OB examined me and discovered I was 3cm dilated. I had no contractions and my water had not broken so I was shocked, but happy. This meant no induction was needed. Instead, the OB told us to come back in the afternoon and she’d break my water to “get the show started”.
So, it’s been about 15 years since I’ve owned a bed frame. I was fine with just having my box spring and mattress on the floor all these years. Call me weird, but I call it simple.
* Insert boyfriend here *
He told me I deserved an adult bed, so he got me one for my birthday. This sparked a vision to make my room a grownup one!
So many of you always have questions for me about our Endy experiences, so let’s do a little Q & A with some FAQ, shall we?